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Hey there! We are Enfold and we make really beautiful and amazing stuff.
This can be used to describe what you do, how you do it, & who you do it for.
/in Uncategorized /by promise4paws14 week old – fully vetted
/in Uncategorized /by promise4paws14 week old – Fully vetted
/in In Member Of /by promise4pawsWe rescued Shakira, AKA Kira from Orange County Shelter on her last few days, they said her eyes scared them. After sitting just outside her kennel for five minutes she came up to bars and kissed me on the check, I knew immediately she was going to be a great dog. She was the most […]
/in In Member Of /by promise4pawsMillie was with us for 14 Years, she really was one of our nicest and much loved pups. Always there to greet us at the door with a happy face and a wiggly tail. Sadly her best friend Shakira Passed away several months later. Both are dearly missed. Sue and Kevin Walshe […]
Camino Pet Hospital – 5408 Walnut Avenue #C Irvine, CA 92604 – 949-559-1404
/in Partners /by promise4pawsAmy Kadell 949.285.1170 – Pet and People CBD
/in Partners /by promise4paws