Ana JimenezDate of Submission
Sunday, December 30, 2018Phone
11610 209th St
How old are you?
35-44How did you hear about Promise4Paws?
FriendWhat do you do for a living?
Im a professional of some kind and work in an officeHow many hours are you typically away from home each day?
Less than 4Are there children in your home? If so, how old are they?
13 - 17Any more grown ups like you? If so, how old are they?
What's your living arranagement?
My house is my home but no backyardDo you rent or own?
Live with familyDo you have a yard or balcony?
Yes its secureHave you ever owned a pet in the past that is no longer with you?
NoWhat kind of pets were they? (check all that apply)
DogsSmall and Furry
Can you list your pets below and why you no longer have your pets?
I have my petsDo you have any pets at home?
YesHow many do you have?
A coupleWhat kind of pets are they? (check all that apply)
DogsCan you list your current pets? (Breed, Age, Gender, Size, Tempermeant)
I have two female English bulldogs one is 10 and the other one is 3Are they spayed/neutered?
YesHave you ever bred your pets?
NoPlease share your preferences and limitations (breed limitations, size preference, breed preference, general behavior, etc)
They have to be dog and kide friendly I don’t do catsWhere will your foster stay during the day?
They will access to both outside and inside.Where will your foster sleep during the night?
I have a dog bed for them in the houseIf unable to upload photo, please explain the foster dog's living space
I have a whole dog room with beds and food and water at all timesHow long are you willing to keep your foster safe?
As long as it takesHow will you help get your dog adopted?
Talk about dog to every nice person you meet...Are you willing to foster dogs with special needs? If so, please check all that apply below.
PuppiesSick Dogs
InjuredRecovering Dogs
When are you ready to start?
Next weekI have read the above stated application carefully and certify that the information I have given is accurate and true. I understand that any misrepresentation of the above information authorizes Promise 4 Paws to deny application, and/or reclaim the foster pet that is in my home. I understand the pet in my care is property of Promise 4 Paws, and any decisions regarding the pet and the pet’s future is that of Promise 4 Paws. I acknowledge that Promise 4 Paws cannot guarantee any foster animals against parasites, diseases or destructive behavior. I will not hold Promise 4 Paws responsible, nor seek any compensation for damages, medical fees or other liabilities incurred by the pet I foster.
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