Meet Gigi, a two-year-old, 9lb, Chihuahua mix with a tender heart and a quiet resilience. Gigi’s story began in the most difficult of places—she was abandoned at an overcrowded, high-kill shelter along with her newborn puppies. It was a harsh environment for such fragile lives, and we knew we had to step in. Since then, Gigi and her little ones have thrived in the safety of a loving foster home, where she’s been the most devoted and nurturing mother. Now that her puppies are healthy, grown, and off to their new homes, it’s finally Gigi’s turn to shine and find the loving family she deserves.
As she’s spent so much time focused on caring for her babies, Gigi is only now discovering the world for herself. She can be a bit shy when you first meet her, but once she feels safe and comfortable, her sweetness and gentle nature truly come through. She’s the kind of dog who will quietly curl up by your side.
Could you be the one to offer Gigi the love and security she’s been waiting for?